Pădureni Sustainable Community

Learning or Updating to the New? Education or the Development of Consciousness?

“Learn, my dear, so you can become somebody!” This is one of the well-known phrases with which I and many others grew up, shaping our personalities, our personas.

A subtle belief that I took (very) seriously because the “theorem” came from the primary authority in my life—my mother, my parents.

A belief I carried with me as faithfully as possible until I began to understand what it meant to “become somebody.”

A few programming words for an entire paradigm of living, one of the default programs of my mind and of many others.

And not so much the words themselves, but especially the actions that followed, actions that validated this perspective day by day.

“To become,” meaning to seek something you perceive you don’t have here and now, to chase after a chimera, a piece of bacon dangling in front of a loyal dog’s snout that it sees, smells, but cannot satiate itself with.

“And you,” meaning I am in competition with everyone else who wants to “also” be “somebody,” who wants to be number one, to break away from the pack and become “somebody,” another…somebody other than I already am.

A false somebody struggling with many others to reach an illusory number one spot, which is not and cannot be in itself the source of fulfillment, which cannot fill the cup with beauty, joy, and love of life for any of the “competitors.”

A competitive mask that seeks to constantly validate its place, the first, the only, the unique…a sad mental perception of separation, a full-scale self-sabotage…in a world that is actually a complete, perfect, and permanent result of symbiosis, of infinite merging without beginning or end.

This “somebody” is one of the illusions, fantasies, masks that bring insufficiency and unhappiness to an entire society created through dual thinking systems.

Systems that empowered conceptual words creating limiting perceptions such as ”first, good, beautiful, smart, rich” versus ”last, bad, ugly, dumb, poor”, and many others like them.

Systems that programmed the “thinking” members of society to diligently seek another…somebody, other than each person’s natural inner self.

Simply put, the chase after “something” at the expense of another “something,” attachment to “somebody” at the expense of another “somebody,” results in insufficiency, unfulfillment, unhappiness—this being the subjective reality of our lower mind.

The consequences are multiple, but the purpose of this article is to take a closer look at one of the most important conceptual components of the thinking systems that guide our society: education and learning.

I am not an “expert” in education and learning, and I’m glad about that because I am less attached to concepts, I can see more broadly, and I can reformulate and support their re…creation.

Funny and sad at the same time is the fact that, as a student, I was more attracted to the big re…creation, as the main break between classes was called then, than to the classes themselves. The perception of the student then, in the search for the number one spot, about the hours spent in school was, of course, more negative than positive, and as a result, after completing the obligatory learning cycles aligned with the family and social paradigm of that time, I began to reject the idea of learning.

Naturally, for a mind that predominantly perceived obligations and efforts and not the optional and relaxation that learning itself brought me.

Today, I can see the significant shortcomings of the concepts called ”learning” and ”education”, half-truths that lie at the foundation of a perceptually halved social system, and I want phrases like ‘Learn, my dear, so you can become somebody!’ and others like it to become merely historical markers that show us the path of our evolution.

So, what is learning other than a particular and natural search for those pieces of information that support me in understanding the World-Life and how to permanently adapt and align with It?

Could we, therefore, see learning as an adaptive and constant search, carried out throughout our entire lives, which takes into account the evolutionary cycles and stages of “each of us”?

“Each of us” being the way Life manifests itself simultaneously in all its material forms and not a separating distinction.

Could we reformulate and understand the learning process as the process of updating to the new and recreate the concept of learning and thinking systems this way?

Could we, therefore, think and understand education as actually being a process of permanent development and expansion of consciousness?

A process that unfolds in multiple stages, where the first part of each stage is dedicated to the mental understanding of information and concepts, knowledge of the world in a historical sense, knowledge of everything that has already been, and which later dedicates itself to the extended consciousness of All That Is.

All of us have created, our collective thinking has created a society that has brought us to where we are and which we are evolutionarily challenged to continue to create more consciously and wisely than before, and I would say that joy, enthusiasm, and the pleasure of living lie in the midst of each moment we are aware of this process.

This is also the main reason for the thinking and initiation of the Pădureni project, a project I invite you to consciously co-create, and which, with the right resources and support, could become:

  • a platform dedicated to the evolution towards Society 3.0,
  • a laboratory of living and dwelling,
  • a spiraled wormhole of inner knowledge, balancing and supporting at the same time the quest to fly and know the outer universe,
  • a social stem cell that can help regenerate the entire social body.

The project is conceived as a platform offering participants several paths that facilitate the choice of living consciously, among which:

  • Spaces in nature, near the forest, so that there are healthy landmarks for the brain, natural references, natural cycles, the tangible sounds, colors, smells, living forms and textures, beings, natural chemistry and energy, life recognizing life, mental and physical balance being supported, and the process of perceiving the human being in the Whole extended day by day.
  • Configuring living spaces with attention to the concept of sustainability, both technically in relation to the surrounding environment and mentally, in relation to the inner sustainability of each inhabitant, because real sustainability is from the inside out.
  • Testing and recreating the concepts of education and learning through philosophies, techniques, and tools that facilitate the process of updating to the new and the process of permanent development and expansion of consciousness.
  • Addressing comprehensive theories that view the health of the physical body as a result of the balance of the mental body, as a natural everyday life.
  • Economic sustainability through shareholding and economic initiatives developed based on the values, expertise, and willingness to engage of the inhabitants, so that the predominance of communal living is supported.
  • Events and actions that facilitate the educational and supportive role of the community for communities in nearby areas and beyond.

These thoughts, ideas, and words will become reality through the contribution of all those who feel they want to know more until they can decide on a possible All in.

P.S. I met a famous doctor from the city where I live, a “renowned surgeon, professor, and director of Hospital X,” as a media phrase would likely put it. The man was “somebody” for the local society and beyond. He was “somebody” equally for himself.

Over the course of two years, he resigned from all his professional positions for various reasons and, shortly after, within months, he died. He spent all day holding the remote control without truly watching anything. The death of the “somebody” that had driven him so strongly for most of his life brought about the death of his physical body, because life no longer had meaning for the “somebody” that had taken over his entire mental being.